Here are just a few more of my most╨used QuicKeys. ╥QuicKeys╙ is of course the amazingly╨wonderful╨timesaving ╥Key╨Stroke/MACRO/Mouse╨Definer╙ Application created for the MAC by the geniuses at CE SOFTWARE. That╒s an unsolicited watchamacallit. These are as much ╥ideas╙ as they are keystrokes. I find that the less literally I take things, the more ideas I use!
* Sequences are separated with: ╥---- SEQUENCE ----╙ for clarification only!!
* Sequences REQUIRE all the QuicKeys listed. Just substitute your own ╥hidden╙ keys wherever necessary. Don╒t forget that Shift-[8] (for example) is the ╥8╙ on the numeric keypad.
>> REMEMBER not to imbed a sequence within a sequence -- yet.
Here╒s what these keys do:
Ñ SEQUENCE F8: At first I was annoyed that ╥EDIT╙ doesn╒t have a Zoom Box. But the sequence I╒ve installed as F8 will take care of that in just about any situation, so it has become part of my Universal Set.
ÑI really am lazy. I mean, I don╒t even like typing 2 spaces after a period, but my early typing training just won╒t let me get away without it. So I just type an ╥<Opt>-.╙ That╒s part of what QK is about, UN-doing the repetition. Try your own, like a ╥command option-1╙ for 2 spaces after ╥!╙, etc, etc. Go on, knock yourself out!! <grin>
ÑThe last three items are Command-Key shortcuts for those menus that don╒t have ╒em. You know, like a lot of *wonderful* DA╒s (and some applications)!!
>>> NOW, PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN YOU INVOKE THESE, the application you are in may respond first, and the results *MAY* be unpredictable.